Friday, May 1, 2015

This Week in Kpop: April 26-May 2, 2015

Taeyang Big Bang Loser

This Week in Kpop started with "God" and ended with a Big Bang! With a handful of teasers, Lim Kim, and BTS in-between. Talk about epic! We're reaching cosmic levels of Kpop here, so let's get started already!

Big Bang is Back 

This is not a dream - this is not an illusion! Big Bang is back. We repeat: BIG BANG IS BACK. Together. We can't believe it either. And the greatest part is, this is just the beginning. For now, we get the sometimes heart-wrenching "Loser" and the drug-inspired "Bae Bae," two very different songs and videos that actually draw some important similarities from each other too.

"Loser" examines each member of Big Bang at their lowest (and holy crap does Daesung get low here), from heartbreak, being beaten up, hopelessness, loneliness, and um, murder (someone get TOP, a lawyer). While many boy groups throw their idols into traumatic, emotional situations, there's something a bit more nuanced here that elevates Big Bang from the rest. There's real emotional resonance that hits at you. Who hasn't felt hopeless? Who else has had a rage that couldn't be released? Who hasn't murdered someone (just kidding)? Life is full of losing, and by focusing not just on love lost, Big Bang examines more of the gamut. "Loser" also helps remind us how amazing it is to hear all five members of Big Bang singing together. They all work well on their own projects, sure, but together, with their unique characteristics and talents and voices, they become something more.

And then there's "Bae Bae." While "Loser" deals with some harsh reality, "Bae Bae" brings us into dreams. If "Loser" examines different struggles, "Bae Bae" brings us different fantasy worlds, each occupied by different members of Big Bang. In many ways, these videos are a perfect compliment for each other. Here Big Bang can have fun and look ridiculous (again, someone get TOP a lawyer). We love it, almost more than we love "Loser." But don't make us choose.

Big Bang is really back. How cool is that?

BTS is Back Too

This is how big Big Bang's comeback is. It makes BTS, one of the best groups in all of Kpop, something close to an afterthought. And that's a shame, really. Of course, BTS will have success with their release; Big Bang is certainly not a monolith that will consume all of Kpop for the next six months. But "I Need U" is too smooth, too slick, to not be completely dominating the charts, wiping away all of the competition. It's bad timing, though Kpop is certainly big enough for both BTS and Big Bang, especially since the groups are doing very different things. "I Need U" is just what you should be listening to right now. Make a playlist with this and the Big Bang songs if you need to. It's a great time to be listening to Kpop.

Jimin and J.Don's "GOD"

And then there was GOD. Both coinciding and capitalizing on her success with Unpretty Rapstar and the surprise hit, "Puss," Jimin and J.Don give us a worthy successor with "GOD." Jimin is on the verge here. We had our doubts, and maybe you did too, that Unpretty Rapstar would be good for her or that she even fit into this competition. But Jimin is killing it, whether you think she deserves to win or not. In the end, it's not even about winning. This experience will only help her career and the careers of the rest of AOA from here on out.

Lim Kim's "Love Game"

Lim Kim already won our MV of the Month (see below) so what else do you need to know about her other music video, this one for "Love Game?" Well, remember miss A's "Only You" music video with the peeping tom? Well, picture that. Except instead of singing to that creep or any other, Lim Kim nearly kills them all. And we're totally fine with that.

Are You Not Teased?

This week saw the release of so many teasers that we just had to scoop them up and put them in one place. Which place? This place, friends.

MV of the Month, Lim Kim's "Awoo"

Lim Kim gets our MV of the Month for April, with her mesmerizing "Awoo." We absolutely love this video. Here's why you should too.

King and Queen: Episode 16

We're not going to spoil this episode of King and Queen for you. But you can't miss this episode. Because after this one, nothing will be the same. Trust us.

April 26-May 2, 2015

And that was This Week in Kpop! What a massive, epic, ridiculously Big week this was! How can next week top (TOP?) this? We're not sure, but we're itching to see if it can! Until then, have fun and be safe!

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