Saturday, October 3, 2015

This Week in Kpop: September 27-October 3, 2015

This Week in Kpop is LOADED. There's just TOO MUCH KPOP for This Week in Kpop! We don't even know where to begin, so we'll begin with a tease and a queen...

Taeyeon Teases!

Of course we have to start with Taeyeon here. The Queen Bee of the ultimate Kpop Queens, Taeyeon is finally going to get her solo release. It's a long time coming. A long, long time. Fans have wanted Taeyeon to branch off on her own for so long that Taeyeon may have inadvertently stole much of Amber's thunder when she was featured on "Shake that Brass." But with a voice like Taeyon has, the glamour, and the undeniable (unavoidable) presence she exudes (she only sings for what - twenty seconds in "Shake that Brass?"), Taeyeon is at risk of overshadowing just about anyone.

So what happens when she gets her own release? Tears of joy? Certainly, from her legions of fans. But we're hoping for something more in the lines of Taemin's solo release last year, something that will really let loose a side of Taeyeon that maybe we're not as familiar with, instead of the quieter, more bland (sorry/not sorry) release from Amber earlier this year.

The teaser gives no indication of what direction this release will go, except for the possibly of some retro-looking film cut with beautiful closeups. But we're expecting big things, because how much bigger can you get than Taeyeon?

GOT7's Big Year

How great of a year is GOT7 having? "Just Right" was just what we needed after experiencing increasingly vapid and visual-conscious releases all year - while also being catchy, addictive pop. So what do you release after alternatively slaying and emotionally sucker punching their fans? "If You Do," dummy! Where "Just Right" was uplifting and light (with an important message), "If You Do" is sleek and sexy, dark and lovelorn, with a ridiculous English interlude, the terrible girlfriend daring GOT7 to break up with them because, "I don't care," and "I'll just go to sleep."

In short, "If You Do" is more in line with a traditional Kpop release, and that is by no means a slur (we are a Kpop site, after all). It also helps that "If You Do" is just as good a song as "Just Right" (two sides of the same coin here), and we're loving the sharp, leg-centric choreography as they dance on ruined earth. You don't need us to declare that GOT7 is the real deal. But, LISTEN. GOT7 is the real deal.

Lovelyz' "Ah Choo"

Oh, Lovelyz. Only you could get away with having "Ah-Choo" in your chorus! This video has so much syrup that we almost drowned in sugar, but the song itself is enjoyable, and if you're into super sweetness, you'll love this. Even we have to admit that there are some cute vignettes in this video, though, again, we'll never quite understand this sphere of the Kpop world. We'd love to have someone write a comprehensive piece on the appeal here, so if you're itching to prove their greatness, feel free to send us a proposal for an article already! Goodness!

iKON Slays?

Now, this is what we're talking about! "RHYTHM TA" is more of the jam we were waiting for from iKON. While there are still some balance concerns between members, and a lot of comparisons to "Good Boy," this seems like a more exuberant release than the more sedated "My Type." iKON is just killing it on the charts, so maybe we're being too critical here? They are rookies, after all. That being said, even "Airplane" seems more soulful to us than "My Type," and we're glad that YG is rolling out these videos so we get a fuller picture of what iKON is all about (though we would have released "RHYTHM TA" first). There's no doubt about one thing: With YG's backing and support, and the talent they hold, they're going to be a huge Kpop group for years to come, friends.

Ailee is Back!

Ailee is back, but is she better than ever? We covered her in last week's quiet This Week in Kpop, and we wondered if she'd get the killer song that her talents deserve. And she does, kind of. We're still getting a "Don't Touch Me" vibe from "Mind Your Own Business," but no matter how you look at it, "Mind Your Own Business" is a far superior song and concept. The video, even though it doesn't go far beyond the standard "vengeful lover" Kpop trope, is a lot of fun, and Ailee shows a lot of personality here, especially when she doesn't quite pull off the badass she's trying to be (slinking into her carseat when the police arrive).

What the real gem here is "Insane," with a simple music video and an old school vibe. It probably won't get the hype of "Mind Your Own Business," used here as a peripheral release, but we're loving the simplicity here, both in song and video!

Don't Sign a Petition Against TGM. Register a Complaint.

You've heard about the disastrous events TGM Events has put on in America? Well, the real question is how can we hold them accountable? You can sign as many petitions as you want, but we have some ideas how we can hit TGM where it really hurts! You can check that out here.

MV of the Month: Red Velvet's "Dumb Dumb"

Your prayers are answered! Red Velvet gets our MV of the Month for September with "Dumb Dumb!" But how does it rise above all others? You can find that out right here!

September 27-October 3, 2015

And that was This Week in Kpop! We had a lot of releases that we rushed by, so probably missed some good points! Anything you want to add? Feel free! That's it for us - until next week! Until then, have fun and be safe!

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