Saturday, December 26, 2015

This Week in Kpop: December 20-26, 2015

iKON Dumb and Dumber

This Week in Kpop is iKONic, In fact, iKON really laid waste to the week and did so alone, while you were snug tightly in your new Christmas blanket. We can't be more excited that the holiday season is over and Kpop has been released from the stranglehold of Christmas, so let's get started already!

iKON rules December

How appropriate is it that iKON's coming back to town, taking names, checking them Twice, etc? For months, we've debated iKON's debut and seven big releases in now, there's no mistaking it: iKON will be a dominant group. They're also one of the busiest - with a full album out and more videos in 2015 this side of Jay Park, they've entrenched themselves in the Kpop sphere. Releasing "What's Wrong?" and "Dumb and Dumber" in a notoriously vacant holiday season is a smart move, and what's even better is that both of these songs are lively jams. 

They're also both showing more hyper energy and mucho personality that we think will define iKON far more than they're mellow and, if we're going to be honest, forgettable "My Type." We say that in the face of that song being an indisputable hit and their future already secured. 

"What's Wrong?" is a strange beast and we're loving it as a party anthem, as the video degenerates from a confrontation with masked women, to dodge ball, and then, of course, to dancing. But the real gem may just be "Dumb and Dumber." Some are calling it iKON's "Fantastic Baby," and maybe it does have similarities, but we think "Dumb and Dumber" stands on it's own. It's fun, it's ecstatic, and iKON seems to be really letting loose and showing the urgency of jamming out that was missing in their earlier releases. We're not saying that all of iKON's songs need to be energetic and caustic, but to stand out in the crowded boy band field, it certainly helps to make a scene. 

Check this videos out, friends. iKON has saved December!

Christmas is Over. OR IS IT?

Our long musical nightmare is just about over. We think. We hope. Christmas is over and with the coming of the new year, we're pumped for, we're sure, a slew of new releases. We'll never understand why Christmas is so big and Kpop and how nearly every idol needs to have their own swing at the holiday, usually in the cheesiest way possible. It's over. But for some of us, the threat of Christmas is alive all year long, forever.

We liked "Hide and Seek" though by Turbo. KJK is always great to see and hear, friends.

Critical Kpop Podcast - Episode 17: Our Least Favorite Things 

To keep proving that we are the biggest Scrooges of Kpop, we took a look at some of our least favorite parts of Kpop, and the picture above may just give all the hints you need here. Tim and Zander take a look at a host of Kpop issues, which you can listen to right here.

December 20-26, 2015 

And that was This Week in Kpop! The holidays are over and we're ready to get 2016 started already! We're super excited for the new year and what our favorite idols will bring. Aren't you ready? Well, get ready, already. Until next time, have fun and be safe!

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